Thursday 24 December 2009

The day we had champagne and variety cereal...

Here is my Christmas secret, I hope you like it. This secret was created by using a really beautiful card I bought over a month ago. It has this really beautiful cut away design on it which I painted black and printed onto this piece of card. The star is a red sequin and the base is made from a piece of red card. There are so many things I wish I could still believe in, and everything that goes along with Christmas is definitely one of those things. I have started a new book, and as is tradition with the beginning of each new book a new title must be created. Please don't laugh at my poor computer design skills, I tried. Have an amazing day, make the most of the food and the drink and the presents. Enjoy!


  1. Merry christmas have a wonderful day =)

  2. Variety comes in packs of eight but which one to choose often leaves me in a state.

  3. I absolutely love the titlepiece! Definitely the best so far :) as for cereal, don't get me started on my beliefs...

  4. Have a lovely Christmas - I wish I could believe too!

  5. We actually had variety cereal (I chose to coco pops) and champagne....or a cheaper alternative. My sister received a book from my parents called 'It Looks Like A Cock' - I kid you not...and for those who don't know my parents, just a little taster of my day to day life.


All comments are welcome, but remember to keep it clean.