Wednesday 18 November 2009

The day I forgot to eat...

Here is another one of my birthday guest secrets, as promised yesterday. If anyone ever wants to make me a guest AI then you can always leave me a comment and get in touch. I love to see how other people respond to what I have been doing (for almost four months now) when they create their own secrets, it always inspires me to work harder at it. This secret was created by using a crossword grid and some coloured pens, I hope you like it as much as I do (even if I struggle with accepting what it is trying to tell me about myself). Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I think this one could easily have also read 'I am so much dumber than I thought I was'. The number of times I did it wrong and had to find another crossword grid is scary - this is the last blank grid I had, so the pressure to get it right finally was quite intense!


All comments are welcome, but remember to keep it clean.